Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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ajar partly opened.
assort to arrange or classify in groups; sort.
clarify to make easier to understand; make clear.
customary usual, habitual, or traditional.
dire causing, likely to cause, or involving terror or suffering.
disadvantage a condition or situation that makes it more difficult to succeed.
dominate to control by the use of power; rule.
elegance the quality of refinement, taste, and grace, especially when combined with richness of decoration or design.
hostage someone held prisoner by a person or group trying to force another person or group to meet certain demands.
involvement the state of having a role in or interest in.
legendary having to do with or like a legend.
premature done, happening, or born before the expected time; too soon.
prior happening earlier in time or sequence.
recruit a soldier who has just joined or been drafted into the armed forces.
unprecedented never before observed or experienced.