Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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avalanche the sudden rush of a large amount of snow, ice, or rocks down a mountain.
behold to see or observe.
dismantle to tear down; take apart.
elapse to go or slip by; pass or come to an end.
haughty proud in a way that shows a low opinion of others; thinking of others as beneath oneself.
interpret to decide on or explain the meaning of.
locale a place, especially as the setting of some event.
lure to attract with the promise of a reward.
occasional happening now and then or not too often.
percentage some part of a whole based on a total of one hundred parts.
purify to make clean or pure.
scathe to injure with criticism.
stimulus something that causes or increases action, feeling, or thought.
unexpected unforeseen; surprising.
untrustworthy not to be depended upon for honesty, loyalty, or responsible conduct.