Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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basin an open, shallow bowl used to hold water for washing.
blurt to say suddenly and without thought (usually followed by "out").
clamp a device used to fasten, support, or press together two or more objects or pieces.
faculty the group of teachers in a school or college.
impression a belief or a feeling that is created at the beginning of an experience.
item a single, particular thing in a group or list.
mime to act or portray with hand and body gestures only.
modesty the quality of not being conceited or vain.
mummy a dead body that has been preserved with special chemicals and wrapped in cloth. The ancient Egyptians are famous for their mummies.
quarrel an angry argument or disagreement.
slack not tight; hanging loose; drooping.
stubborn not willing to accept change, help, or control; obstinate.
trophy something given to recognize a win or other accomplishment; award.
upper higher in place, rank, position, or level.
victor the winner of a contest, battle, argument, or struggle.