Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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bigotry intolerance of any group or belief that is not one's own, especially in the form of racial, ethnic, or religious intolerance and prejudice.
commodity something that can be bought and sold.
concoct to make by putting together a number of parts or ingredients.
incur to become liable for or bring upon oneself (usually some unwanted or harmful consequence).
iterate to say or do again or repeatedly.
laud to praise.
maternal of, having to do with, or like a mother.
migratory changing habitat or location periodically, as in response to changes in climate or job opportunities.
notoriety the condition or quality of being widely known or spoken of, especially for something that is not good.
presentiment an intuition or sense of something about to happen; foreboding.
retribution repayment for one's actions, especially punishment for evil.
semblance outward form; appearance.
therapeutic of, pertaining to, or capable of healing; curative.
vindicate to free from an accusation, suspicion, or doubt by indisputable proof.