Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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allay to quiet or lay to rest (fears, doubts, and the like).
brazen shameless; bold.
grandeur the quality of being majestic or splendid.
inaccessible hard or impossible to reach, approach, or attain.
indictment the act of being formally accused of a crime by a grand jury, or the condition of being formally accused of a crime by a grand jury.
inexorable not subject to change by any force or influence; unyielding or unrelenting.
obsequious showing or tending to show servile obedience or deference; fawning.
prostrate to lie or throw (oneself) flat on the ground, especially face down in an act of humility, worship, or the like.
revitalize to bring new life to.
sojourn to live for a short time in a place; stay temporarily.
speculative of, pertaining to, or based on conjecture or theorizing.
submissive inclined or obliged to submit; unresisting; obedient; docile.
tepid not quite warm; lukewarm.
typify to be the representative example of.
viscid of a gluelike consistency.