Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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aftermath the result or consequence of an event.
cater to supply food or other service.
connoisseur a person with the experience, expertise, and sense of appreciation to make informed judgments in a fine art or in matters of taste.
cubicle any very small room or partitioned space, as in an office or dormitory.
entity anything that exists objectively and distinctly, whether nonliving or living; thing or being.
enumerate to name or list one by one.
extrapolate to make an estimate or inference of (future probability or the like) on the basis of what is already known or has already occurred.
fraternal of, related to, or like a brother or brothers.
habituate to make accustomed to.
humbug something without substance or meaning, such as an idea or argument; nonsense.
iconoclastic attacking or breaking away from established traditions, beliefs, or values.
podium a raised platform, as for a speaker or orchestra conductor; dais.
presumptive affording a reasonable basis for belief.
promenade a leisurely walk, especially in a public place.
unchallenged not or not having been questioned, disputed, or contested.