Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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authoritative accepted as correct and true; reliable as a source of information because said or written by an expert or authority.
averse strongly opposed or disinclined; unwilling (usually followed by "to").
domain the land owned or under the control of a single ruler or government.
dubious having or showing doubt; skeptical.
enterprise a plan or project that is risky, bold, or difficult to carry out; undertaking.
eon a very long period of time.
explicit said or written in a clear and direct way.
extensive reaching or extending very far.
famine a great lack of food over a wide area.
friction the rubbing of objects against each other.
phenomenon a happening or fact that can be seen or known through the senses.
preside to act as the one in charge.
radical having to do with the root or source; basic; fundamental.
scorch to burn slightly.
subsist to stay alive or obtain the necessities of life (usually followed by "on").