Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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cease to stop or come to an end.
intention a decided course of action; plan.
inventory a complete list of things on hand or in a particular place.
notch (informal) a little bit.
optimism the belief that things will turn out well or that there is always hope for something good to happen.
ornery mean; stubborn.
paternal having to do with or typical of a father.
promote to support the growth of or help move forward.
remorse a feeling of guilt and real sorrow over having done something wrong.
scope the range or extent of one's view or thoughts.
severity strictness; harshness.
sibling a sister or a brother.
tenant a person or group that occupies or uses another's house, office, building, or land, especially in exchange for rent.
terminate to bring to an end; put a stop to.
terrain land or ground, or the natural characteristics of its surface.