Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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biography the written story of the facts and events of a person's life.
columnist a writer who regularly writes opinion or comments on a particular subject for a newspaper or magazine.
compete to try to win or get something that others are also trying to get.
content1 (usually plural) whatever is held or contained in something.
directly without space or action in between.
disappointment the feeling of being unhappy because what was wished or hoped for did not happen.
estimate a careful guess as to the amount, size, or value of something.
feature a part of the face such as the eyes, nose, or chin.
horizon the line where the earth and the sky appear to meet.
independent not ruled by another; ruling oneself.
lounge to lie or sit in a lazy way (often followed by "around").
participant a person who joins in or becomes involved in something.
possess to own or have.
session a meeting or set of meetings of a court or a government council.
whisk to brush off or carry off with, or as though with, a quick, light sweep of the hand or a brush.