Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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achieve to do or carry out successfully; accomplish.
background all of a person's experience, education, and origins.
certain sure; positive; having no doubt.
concentrate to bring together; focus.
darken to make more shadowy or less light.
dike a dam or high wall built to prevent flooding.
emphasis special importance.
hemisphere either of two halves of the earth. A hemisphere is formed by dividing the earth into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres at the equator, or into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres at a meridian.
portion a part of a whole.
scowl to make an angry frown.
simmer to cook in a liquid that is kept near the boiling point.
sob to cry with great emotion while making short gasps for breath.
swear to make a solemn promise or statement, usually concerning the telling of the truth, one's loyalty, or one's duty.
typically usually; normally.