Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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appearance the act or an instance of coming into view or appearing.
aware knowing or careful (usually followed by "of").
briefly in a way that is not lengthy; for a short time.
canter a horse's gait between a trot and a gallop.
disrespect rudeness; contempt.
dormitory a building with many bedrooms, often lived in by students. Many colleges have dormitories.
enclosure a space that is surrounded, or something that surrounds.
hermit a person who lives alone and away from others. Often a person becomes a hermit in order to lead a religious life.
poet a person who writes poetry.
recent having to do with or happening in the very near past.
relieve to make less painful or troubling; ease.
slavery the owning of people by other people; bondage.
summit the highest part; peak.
virus a tiny organism that can reproduce only in living cells. Viruses cause disease in humans, animals, and plants.
willing wanting or agreeing to do something; ready.