Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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annul to make nonexistent or ineffective; cancel.
canvass to conduct a survey of; poll.
chattel any article of property not attached to lands or buildings; movable property.
colloquial characteristic of or suited to informal or familiar conversation or to writing that is imitative of conversational tone.
detachment a feeling or condition of being impartial or uninvolved.
diverge to extend or move away in different directions from a common point.
gibe a mocking or derisive comment.
heartrending causing or expressing deep sorrow or anguish.
inveterate persisting in a habit, action, feeling, or the like.
malevolent wishing or doing evil to others; ill-willed; malicious.
regenerate to grow (new tissue or parts) to replace lost or injured tissue or parts.
stupefy to astound or bedazzle.
supremacy ultimate power or authority.
voluminous having or characterized by great size or quantity.
wizened shriveled or dried up.