Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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bluff1 a hill or shore with steep sides.
continental of or pertaining to the whole of one of the major land masses, such as Europe or South America.
disgruntle to make irritably dissatisfied or discontent.
dispose to place or arrange.
heckler one who disrupts a performance or public address with annoying remarks or questions.
logic the process of drawing conclusions based on known principles or facts; reasoning.
obese very fat.
ownership the state or fact of being the possessor of something.
passive receiving an action without acting in return, or not responding to something that might affect one.
proprietor an owner, or group of owners, of a business enterprise, real property, or the like.
refrain1 to hold oneself back; to not enter into a particular action; desist; forbear (often followed by "from").
rustic living or happening in the country.
sanitary free from things that can cause infection; clean; sterile.
skew to turn or go off at an angle; swerve.
variable something that can change or that has no fixed value.