Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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adjoin to be next to; border on.
aloft high above the ground.
amicable characterized by good will; friendly.
bolster to give support with a cushion or pillow.
concomitant existing or happening at the same time as something else, especially as the less important thing or event; accompanying; attendant.
convivial enjoying feasting, drinking, and socializing; sociable.
diminutive very small; tiny.
disperse to drive away in all directions; scatter.
disquiet lack of mental calm or peace; anxiety; uneasiness.
equilibrium a state of balance between two or more forces.
fissure a narrow crevice or other opening, especially one caused by splitting.
machination (usually plural) elaborate or devious schemes.
nonpartisan not influenced or determined by the policies or interests of a political party.
unregulated not subject to rules or constraints.
vacillate to hesitate or waver in giving an opinion or making a decision; be indecisive.