Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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affection a friendly feeling of liking or loving someone or something.
appearance the act or an instance of coming into view or appearing.
artificial made by human beings; not natural.
borrow to take with the promise to return or replace.
central main or principal; most important.
closely carefully and with attention.
compete to try to win or get something that others are also trying to get.
eavesdrop to listen to other people talk without letting them know.
hatred a feeling of very strong dislike.
incident something that happens; a single event.
origin the point or place from which something comes; source.
plural having to do with or naming the form of a word that signals more than one.
suffocate to kill by not allowing to breathe; smother.
wander to move about with no purpose, aim, or plan; roam.
weary tired in body or mind; fatigued.