Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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accent a way of speaking a language that is typical of people from a particular area.
benefit to be helpful to; have good results for.
cemetery a place where the dead are buried; graveyard.
effect something produced by a cause.
employee someone who works for a person or business in return for pay.
exclusively with all others left out or not included; only; solely.
grill a rack of metal bars used to hold foods for cooking over flames.
issue to make, give out, or publish.
merchant an owner of a shop.
obedient likely or willing to obey rules or orders.
observer one who watches or listens.
relax to make looser or less stiff.
ripple to move or flow in small waves.
stalk1 a plant's main stem.
wheeze to breathe with a hoarse or whistling sound.