Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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absent not present; away from where one usually is.
appall to cause to feel shock or horror.
bawl to cry loudly or strongly; wail.
cargo the goods carried by a ship, airplane, or other vehicle; freight.
disguise to change or hide the looks of in order to prevent recognition.
install to put into position and make ready for use.
interior being inside or within.
magnificent very grand in size or splendid in beauty.
occupation the work a person does to earn a living; profession.
retirement the time of one's life after one has stopped working permanently.
soothe to make less angry, pained, or distressed; calm or comfort.
statue a piece of art that is shaped or put together out of stone, metal or other material. Statues are often in the form of a human or animal.
sufficient enough; as much as needed.
tradition the handing down of a culture's beliefs and customs from parents to children over many years.
vent an opening through which a gas or vapor can enter, pass through, or exit.