Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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dysfunctional of a relationship, family, or social group, not working normally or in a way beneficial to all.
fluency the ability to speak or write smoothly and easily in another language.
garish marked by excessive or tasteless color or decoration; gaudy; flashy.
gnarl to knot or twist.
indefatigable persisting tirelessly; untiring.
jingoism aggressive nationalism and patriotism, especially as directed against foreign countries.
pastoral of or relating to the country or country life; rural.
provisional adopted on a temporary or tentative basis until something permanent is established; conditional.
rostrum a raised platform or dais for public speaking.
simile a figure of speech in which two different things are compared by using the words "like" or "as." "March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb" is an example of a simile.
singe to burn slightly on the surface, end, or edge.
splice to join (two pieces of film, tape, or similar things) at the ends.
stark in all respects; total; extreme.
untimely not occurring at a convenient or appropriate time; poorly timed.
vogue a popular fashion or style.