Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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affiliate to join as a member or smaller branch of (usually followed by "with").
agility the ability to move or think easily and quickly.
bereaved in a state of grief over the death of a friend or relative.
cumulative becoming larger or greater by means of gradual addition.
guise external appearance or semblance, especially if deceptive.
imminent about to happen or likely to happen soon.
immutable not subject to change; unchanging or unchangeable.
orthodox of, having to do with, or following what is believed or practiced by most other people.
recurrence an act or instance of happening or appearing again or repeatedly.
reproof an act or statement of disapproval.
retroactive going into operation or effect as of a previous date, or in respect to past events or circumstances.
reverent characterized by, showing, or feeling great respect and awe mingled with love.
stalwart steady and loyal; reliable.
taciturn habitually silent and uncommunicative.
touchstone a test or standard by which to evaluate the worth of something.