Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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aloft high above the ground.
comparative measured or estimated by comparison; relative.
constituent forming a part of something.
dictum a formal or official pronouncement or declaration.
disputatious inclined to quarrel or provoke argument.
droll wryly amusing or humorous.
equinox either of the two times during the year when the sun's rays are perpendicular to the earth's equator, occurring in March and September. During the equinox, day and night are both 12 hours long all over the world.
explicate to make clear or explain completely.
gawk to look at someone or something fixedly and somewhat dopily; gape.
gusto vigorous or hearty enjoyment or appreciation.
humility the quality or state of being humble; modesty about one's status or accomplishments.
juncture a particular point in time, especially a point of serious importance or crisis.
pariah a despised or socially outcast person.
prodigal imprudent and excessive in spending; extravagant.
prototype an original model on which later stages or forms are based or developed.