Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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catalog an organized list of things such as book titles, goods for sale, or other items, with a short description of each item.
complaint an expression of dissatisfaction or unhappiness with something.
control to use power to manage or command.
divorce to use the law to bring an end to a marriage with (someone).
formation the act of forming or the state of being formed.
furthermore besides; in addition; moreover.
implement something used to do a particular job; tool or device.
imprint a mark or design made by pressing or printing on a surface.
mystery a matter that is secret or that cannot be known or explained.
noun a word that names a person, place, thing, or condition. A noun may be the subject of a sentence or the object of a verb or preposition.
slim attractively thin in form; slender.
souvenir something kept as a reminder of a place, event, or friendship; memento.
summit the highest part; peak.
terrorism the use of violence or fear by a political group as a way of forcing others to meet its demands.
total the whole amount; sum.