Grades 12+ (WVI 5)
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ambidextrous able to use both the left and right hands with equal skill.
amortize to deduct (expenditures) by fixed amounts over a period of time.
apprehensive feeling fearful about future events.
bellicose easily incited to quarrel or fight; belligerent.
diatribe a bitter, abusive attack in speech or writing.
disquisition a formal, often lengthy, oral or written discussion of a subject.
ensconce to position (oneself) firmly or comfortably.
frangible easy to break; breakable; fragile.
heterodox deviating from an officially approved belief or doctrine, especially in religion.
impermeable not permitting passage or penetration.
ineluctable impossible to be avoided; inescapable.
irrefragable impossible to refute or dispute; undeniable.
jeremiad a long complaint about life or one's situation; lamentation.
pliant easily flexed; supple.
refulgent shining brilliantly; radiant.