Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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chafe to abrade, irritate, or wear away by rubbing.
enthrall to hold the complete attention of; fascinate.
formulation the process or result of clear, methodical development or articulation.
hardheaded not easily moved, manipulated, or duped; shrewd; pragmatic.
haunt to come very often and painfully to the mind or memory of (a person).
hoax an act meant to trick or deceive.
impulse a sudden wish or desire that makes a person want to do something.
mere being neither more nor better than what is spoken of.
opt to decide; choose (usually followed by "for" or an infinitive).
opus a work of fine or literary art, especially a musical composition numbered to indicate its chronological place in the composer's works.
radiant sending out heat or rays of light; shining brightly.
reception the act or process of receiving.
renovation the act or process of repairing and updating (a building or the like) so that the condition is improved and meets current standards.
thwart to hinder, oppose, or frustrate.
whet to sharpen the cutting edge of (a knife or tool); hone.