Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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basic necessary as a base. Things that are basic need to be learned first or done first.
buzz a low noise caused by something moving fast.
faith trust or confidence.
fire the heat, light, and flames made when something burns.
owe to have to pay; be in debt to someone.
phrase a group of words forming part of a sentence but not having both a subject and a verb.
plank a length of wood thicker than a board.
quit to stop doing something.
rim the edge or border of something round or circular.
shake to move back and forth or up and down with small and quick motions.
snow small, soft, white pieces of frozen water that fall from the sky like rain.
squad a small number of persons trained to work together.
team a group formed to play or work together.
vanish to disappear suddenly from sight.
wish to desire; want.