Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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aseptic free of bacteria or germs that cause disease or decay.
contention a point asserted in argument or debate.
crossbreed to cause (a hybrid organism) to be produced by mating two different varieties of the same species.
facile acting or working in an easy, effortless manner.
impregnable1 able to withstand any attack, as a fortress.
insecurity the condition or quality of having insufficient protection or not being safe.
jeopardize to cause to be in danger or at risk; imperil.
monumental massive, imposing, or extremely conspicuous.
nemesis that which one cannot beat, conquer, or succeed at; cause or agent of one's often repeated downfall.
optic of or concerning the eye or the sense of sight.
overbearing arrogantly dominating; dictatorial.
pejorative acting or tending to create a negative impression; disparaging; demeaning.
placid calm, smooth, or peaceful.
preventable having the possibility of being prevented; capable of being stopped or kept from happening.
rancorous feeling or showing bitter resentment; hateful.