Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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advertise to present as good or favorable in order to win people's business or support.
commissioner the head of a government department.
device an invention or machine used to perform simple tasks or something else made for a specific purpose.
documentary a film that explores real facts and events and often includes photographs or short videos of the events as they happened.
entrance1 a doorway or other place through which one goes in.
exclusively with all others left out or not included; only; solely.
nab (informal) to catch or seize; arrest.
prove to show to be true or correct.
require to need.
reveal to make known; tell.
scholarship money given to students to help pay for their education.
sympathy kind understanding and concern for others when they are sad, suffering, or having trouble.
thicken to make or become thick or thicker.
underneath below or beneath; under.
vanity too much pride in oneself or in how one looks.