Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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amiss in the wrong way.
arsenal a building used for storing weapons and ammunition.
avenge to inflict punishment or cause suffering as retribution for.
brochure a small booklet or pamphlet, especially one that contains pictures and is used for advertising purposes.
caliber degree of competence, virtue, or worthiness.
confrontation the act of facing or meeting another without evasion or avoidance.
converge to move toward or meet at a common point.
flammable able to catch on fire easily.
haughty proud in a way that shows a low opinion of others; thinking of others as beneath oneself.
negotiable subject to discussion and revision, as terms in an agreement or contract.
overlook to fail to see or notice.
pend to await judgment or decision.
polar of or having to do with the North Pole or South Pole of the earth.
spasm a sudden uncontrolled contraction of a muscle or group of muscles.
underlie to be the foundation or basis of.