Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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assignment something given as a task, such as a job or lesson.
beauty the quality of being pleasant to see, hear, or feel.
coal a hard black or dark brown substance that is found in the earth. People burn coal for heat and energy.
depth the distance from top to bottom or from front to back.
emperor the male ruler of an empire.
greedy having a very strong desire for ever more money or things.
middle halfway between two things, places, or points.
outside the outer side or surface.
patrol the act of guarding by making regular trips through.
quickly in a short time; rapidly.
subway a train in a city that carries passengers and travels under the ground.
surprise to suddenly do something (to someone) that is not at all expected.
syrup a thick, sweet liquid.
thank to tell someone who has given you something or done something for you that you value their gift or action; to express your appreciation.
threaten to say that you will harm or punish some person or group if something that you demand is not done.