Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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abroad in or to a country that is not one's own.
attire to dress up in fancy clothes.
burrow a hole or tunnel dug by certain animals for use as a hiding place or home.
category a particular section of a main group; class.
consult to look to for advice or information.
convict to find guilty of a crime.
dispose to place or arrange.
haughty proud in a way that shows a low opinion of others; thinking of others as beneath oneself.
matrix an environment that gives form to or provides for the origin or development of something.
plea a serious or sincere call for help; appeal.
renew to make like new; restore.
splendor grandeur or magnificence.
testify to state or affirm as fact or truth, especially under oath.
unavoidable impossible to avoid or escape; inevitable.
unnecessary not needed or required.