Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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boil1 the state of a liquid when it reaches a certain temperature and starts to turn into a gas.
curious eager to learn or know.
disturb to interrupt by making noise or doing something that draws away attention.
doctor a person whose job is to treat and give medicine to sick people or animals.
hook a curved piece that is used for holding, hanging, or pulling things. A hook is made of metal, plastic, or another hard material.
knot a tying together of material such as rope or string that is used to fasten.
math a short form of a word that means the study of numbers.
order a direction or command.
originally at first.
pavement the hard surface on a road or other flat area.
person a human being.
printer a machine that makes printed copies from a computer.
rainbow a curved arc of light of many colors across the sky. Rainbows are caused by the sun's shining through drops of water during or after a rain.
servant a person whose job is to clean another person's house, cook their food, or help them in other ways in their home, often living in the home also.
sweat to give off a liquid through the skin.