Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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answer what you say or write after someone asks you a question; a reply.
barefoot with nothing on the feet.
birthday the day on which a person was born, usually celebrated each year on that date.
bundle a number of things that you tie or wrap together so you can carry them.
disturb to interrupt by making noise or doing something that draws away attention.
fantastic wildly imaginative and incredible.
fry to cook in hot butter, oil, or other fat.
high reaching up a great distance.
mission a special job given to a person or group of people.
punishment a way of causing someone to suffer or experience something bad for having done something wrong.
road a long, hard surface for vehicles and people to travel on.
squad a small number of persons trained to work together.
strange not usual; odd.
swing to move or cause to move backward and forward around a point.
together in or into one group or mass.