Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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awhile for a short time.
belt a piece of cloth, leather, or other material that you wear around the waist.
bother to annoy or give trouble to.
bud a swelling on a plant that can grow into new parts, such as leaves or a flower.
cheese a solid food made from milk.
crawl to move along the ground on the hands and knees.
hairy covered with or having a lot of hair.
illness the state of being unwell; sickness.
love a strong feeling of liking and caring about another person that usually causes a deep desire to be physically close to that person.
middle halfway between two things, places, or points.
panic a sudden strong fear or anger that causes people to act without thinking.
shape the form of the outer surface or edge of an object.
sick having an illness; not well.
smell to sense something by means of the nose.
super (informal) excellent; very good.