Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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annoy to bother or disturb with irritating behavior.
average a usual amount or kind; something that is not outside the ordinary.
cheat a person who acts in a dishonest way in order to gain something.
erect upright in posture or position.
fidget to move in a nervous or restless way.
racism the opinion or belief that a particular race of people is better than another race or races.
reality the state or quality of actually existing.
religion a set of beliefs about how the universe was made and what its purpose is. Religion usually involves worship of a god or gods, and the belief in certain ideas about right and wrong behavior.
sizzle to make the hissing or crackling sound of frying fat or oils.
sow1 to plant or scatter in or over the ground.
substantially to a large or significant degree; considerably.
summit the highest part; peak.
temperature the degree of heat or cold of an object or an environment.
wad a small mass or ball.
whereas while in contrast.