Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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ban to forbid or have an official rule against; prohibit.
cable a bundle of insulated wires used to carry electric current.
detail a small item; a particular.
international having to do with two or more countries or with what happens between two or more countries.
jinx someone or something that is believed to cause bad luck.
mall an open space lined with shade trees. A mall is used for walking and enjoyment.
overdue not paid, delivered, or returned by the expected date.
receipt the act or fact of receiving.
sinister threatening or suggesting evil, injury, or danger; ominous.
stocky thick, sturdy, and often short in build or form; stout.
structural of or pertaining to construction, to things that are constructed, or to the basic parts that are assembled.
submerge to put underwater or in some other liquid.
tend1 to be likely; usually do.
willing wanting or agreeing to do something; ready.
wit (often plural) the ability to understand, think, or know.