Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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ace a person who is a master or expert at something.
anxiety a feeling of being worried, nervous, or afraid that something will happen.
chance the quality of happening by accident and without being planned or predicted.
glee a feeling of delight or joy.
instruction the act of giving knowledge; teaching.
insult to speak to or treat without respect or in a way that hurts feelings.
mutter to speak in a low tone that is hard to understand; mumble.
nectar the sweet liquid a plant makes that attracts insects and birds.
pantry a small room near a kitchen, for keeping food, dishes, and other supplies.
quantity amount or number.
relic something that has survived from the past, such as an object or a custom.
risk a chance of getting hurt or losing something.
shift to change one's position, or to move from one place to another.
warrant a document issued by a judge that gives a police officer the right to make searches, seize property, or make arrests.
youngster a young person; child.