Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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clammy unpleasantly moist, cool, and sticky.
daub to smear or cover with something soft and sticky, such as paint.
derivative copied, modeled on, or extracted from something else.
elsewhere in or to another place.
equate to make or consider to be equal or equivalent.
evident easily seen; clear.
foster to aid and encourage the growth or development of.
hazard danger or risk.
insufficient not enough in number, degree, amount, or quality; not sufficient.
miser a greedy, stingy person who lives in a poor way in order to save money.
niche a hollow place set into a wall to hold a statue or some other object.
preach to give a talk on religion that is used to teach; give a sermon.
revelation the act of revealing.
warranty a document given to the buyer of an article in which the maker agrees, within a limited period of time, to repair or replace the article if it is defective.
withhold to hold back; control.