Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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animation the act or result of causing something to become lively or active.
authentic real, genuine, or true.
compound made up of two or more parts or elements.
conformity accordance or compliance with a standard or norm.
dynamic full of energy and strength; lively; active.
engineer one who is trained in the use or design of machines or systems.
escalate to increase in intensity, scope, or size.
extensive reaching or extending very far.
gorge a narrow space between rocky cliffs.
helm a wheel or lever used for steering a ship.
register to sign up for something by having one's name put on an official list.
rivet a metal bolt that pins metal plates or other objects together.
sensitivity the quality of being acutely responsive mentally or emotionally.
strut to walk in a proud or vain manner.
supplementary additional; extra.