Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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antidote a substance that stops poison from working or cures a disease.
beholder one who looks or sees.
congratulation the act of expressing pleasure at the achievement or good luck of.
define to explain or state the meaning of.
fashion the style of clothes or way of acting that is popular.
formal following accepted rules for doing something; proper, legal, or official.
mist a mass or cloud of tiny water drops in the air.
nuzzle to touch, push, or rub the nose against.
quarrel an angry argument or disagreement.
royal of or having to do with a king or queen, or any members of their family.
salary a fixed amount of money paid at regular times for the work a person has done.
semester one half of a school or college year.
thatch straw, palm leaves, or other dried plant material used as a roof covering.
vendor someone who sells.
wither to dry up or wilt.