Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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adapt to change for a particular use.
beckon to signal to come using a motion of the head or hands.
canter a horse's gait between a trot and a gallop.
chute a passage down which things may slide in order to be moved from one area to another.
gallery a building used to display or sell art.
holler (informal) to cry out, yell, or shout.
jest a funny saying or action; joke.
marriage the state of two people being joined by law, having pledged to be faithful to one another all their lives as a couple.
overwhelm to beat or defeat by greater force; destroy.
pressure a steady force upon a surface.
scour1 to clean by rubbing hard.
stiff not easy to bend.
symptom a sign of something.
tariff a government tax on goods that come into a country; duty.
vanity too much pride in oneself or in how one looks.