Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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caravan a band of people traveling together. Caravans are often formed for safety when crossing a remote area like a desert.
classify to put or order into groups of similar things.
conceivable capable of being thought of or imagined; thinkable.
correspondent a person who reports news or contributes articles regularly to a newspaper, magazine, TV network, or the like, from a distant area.
essence that which makes something what it is; central nature.
gross rude or disgusting.
humanitarian characterized by concern for improving the welfare of people.
inflict to deal out or strike in a physical attack.
initiative the power, energy, or ability to organize or accomplish something.
kinship the state or fact of being a relative or relatives, especially by birth.
obstinate not willing to change one's ideas; stubborn.
sage a very wise person.
tycoon a rich, powerful person in business or industry.
veteran having gained experience over a long time.
withhold to hold back; control.