Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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ax a tool with a blade attached to the end of a long handle. An ax is used for chopping wood.
bend a curved thing, part, or area; curve.
coal a hard black or dark brown substance that is found in the earth. People burn coal for heat and energy.
collect to gather together.
cruel willing to cause pain or suffering; not caring if you hurt someone or something.
dealer a person whose job is to buy and sell.
favor something kind you do for someone else.
floor the lowest surface in a room; the surface on which one stands in a room.
guess to give an answer or opinion without enough information to be certain.
jewelry things made of special stones and metal worn on the body for decoration. Rings, necklaces, and bracelets are some kinds of jewelry.
mix to put different things together so that the parts become one.
rise to move up in direction.
tire1 to take a person's strength or energy away.
town an area with streets, houses, and buildings that is similar to a city but usually smaller.
tune the notes that make up a piece of music.