Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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acceptable good enough to be approved of; satisfactory.
accustom to cause (oneself or another) to become used to something over time.
ace a person who is a master or expert at something.
awkward without physical skill or grace; clumsy.
blunder a silly or careless mistake.
elderly old or aging.
focus to direct one's attention or efforts towards one thing; concentrate.
formation the act of forming or the state of being formed.
gleam a small or brief flash or beam of light.
guideline a rule that tells people how to do something in the way that is considered best.
loosen to undo or release.
stale having lost its taste or moisture; not fresh.
strangle to kill by stopping the breathing of, usually by surrounding the neck with something; choke.
thud a dull, muffled sound of one thing hitting another.
wreck an action or event that results in great or total destruction.