Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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abundant large in amount or number; more than enough.
dramatically to a large or impressive degree; sharply; significantly.
elevate to raise or lift up to a higher physical position.
embroider to make or decorate with needlework.
grove a small group of trees.
host1 a person who entertains guests.
manage to direct or control.
museum a building where collections of objects that are important to history, art, or science are kept and shown to the public.
obscure hard to see or not distinct.
patriotic feeling or showing love for and loyalty to one's country.
pronounce to make the sound of or express with the voice in a specific way.
reproduce to make a copy of.
security freedom from fear or danger; safety.
stretch to spread out or reach out to the full length in order to make loose and flexible.
twinge a sudden, sharp pain that does not last long.