Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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ancient very old; existing for many years.
attitude a way of feeling or thinking about something or someone.
browse to examine things in a slow and casual way.
bulk a large size or mass.
canvas heavy, strong cloth made of cotton, linen, or hemp.
connection the fact of being related; relationship or association.
deduct to subtract from another amount or sum.
descend to move downward or to a lower position.
gasoline a liquid that burns, used mainly as fuel for engines. Gasoline is made from petroleum.
glitter to shine brightly; sparkle.
grateful feeling thankful or showing thanks for kindness or something pleasing.
obscure hard to see or not distinct.
passage a way through which something can go; corridor; channel.
prison a building for holding and punishing people who have broken the law.
subject the topic of what is said, written, or studied.