Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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adaptable abed to be changed in order to serve a different purpose or work in a new way.
cavity a hollow place or hole.
characteristic something that makes a person or thing different from others.
decree an official order or decision by a ruler or government.
generate to bring into being or to produce.
guilt the fact of having done something wrong or having broken a law.
incidence the frequency with which something happens or the range over which it occurs.
jovial very cheerful, friendly, and merry; jolly.
jubilant having or showing great joy; having a happy feeling of success.
navigate to plan, manage, or control the course of (a ship, aircraft, or the like).
personnel all of the people who work for a business or other organization.
psychic of, caused by, or pertaining to nonphysical, spiritual, or supernatural processes or influences.
scald to burn with or as if with a hot liquid or steam.
script the written text of a play, movie, or television show.
underestimate to appraise at too low a quantity, rate, strength, value, or the like.