Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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accord agreement; harmony.
amend to change or add to a law, contract, or other document.
arrogant having or showing too much pride; behaving as though one is more important than others.
assertion a declaration or statement, often without support or proof.
bile ill temper or anger.
confidential secret.
congestion the condition of being excessively full, especially the condition of a road or highway being overly filled with traveling vehicles or pedestrians.
determinant that which is a factor in causing an outcome.
ethical of or concerning moral principles of right and wrong.
genetics (used with a singular verb) the science that studies how characteristics are passed on from parent to offspring. Genetics is concerned with the influence of genes on the appearance, development, and evolution of plants and animals.
implication something hinted at or suggested, but not said directly.
impress to make a strong impact on (someone), especially a positive impact.
inevitably unavoidably, regardless of any circumstances or attempts at prevention.
lavish to give or spend a large amount or without limit.
simplicity the condition or quality of being easy to understand or do.