Grades 6-8 (WVI 3)
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alchemy an ancient exploration and practice of chemistry which flourished particularly during medieval times. Practitioners used chemical processes in the hope of, for example, producing gold from base metals, finding the key to eternal life, and uncovering a single cure for all disease.
assurance a statement meant to give confidence.
charter an official document given by a government or ruler to a business or other group. The charter explains the group's rights and responsibilities.
crease a fold or dent made by heat or pressure.
deprive to take away from; not allow to have.
embed to set firmly in some surrounding material.
evasive serving to allow one to avoid, escape, or fail to perform something.
humiliate to cause to lose pride or feel ashamed; embarrass.
incompatible not able to be together in a peaceful or happy way.
literate able to read and write.
overhaul to go over carefully, taking apart as necessary and making all needed repairs.
peril the condition of being in danger or at risk.
presidential of or relating to the person or office of a president.
vacate to make vacant or unoccupied by leaving.
verge the border or edge of something.