Grades 3-5 (WVI 2)
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bustle1 to move rapidly and energetically (often followed by "about").
condition a state of being or existence.
destructive causing complete ruin or destruction.
earnings money received as pay; wages.
enclose to close in or shut in with walls or a container.
hunch to lift up or arch into a hump.
paragraph a part of something written made up of one or more sentences that develop a certain idea. A paragraph begins on a new line which is usually indented from the other lines.
photographer a person whose job is to take photographs.
protective keeping safe from harm or used to shield against danger.
prove to show to be true or correct.
remarkable unusual or exceptional.
resume to start again after stopping.
scholarship money given to students to help pay for their education.
slack not tight; hanging loose; drooping.
unless except on the condition that.