Grades 9-10 (WVI 4)
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bucolic of or suggesting the countryside or a rustic style of life, especially one that is quiet and pleasant.
derange to cause to be mentally ill.
digress to stray from the main topic; ramble.
intimacy the condition of being close in friendship or otherwise intimate.
liaison a communication link between groups or between parts of an organization, or a person or group that performs this function.
microcosm a small, complete whole; tiny world.
monolithic large, unyielding, and without diversity.
mortify to subject (someone) to extreme embarrassment, shame, or humiliation.
pivotal critically important or crucial; on which something is contingent.
profuse great in amount or number.
reciprocity a mutual interchange of privileges or favors between two nations, groups, or institutions.
seclusion the act of isolating or hiding away, or the condition of being isolated in this way.
suave polished and urbane.
vertigo a sensation of unsteadiness or dizziness, such that one's surroundings seem to be whirling around.
vitality exuberance; energy; vigor.