Grades K-2 (WVI 1)
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booth a closed place or stall that has room for one person or a small group.
cream the part of whole milk that contains fat. Butter is made from cream.
danger a chance or likelihood that something bad or harmful may happen; peril; risk.
garden an area of land used for growing flowers or vegetables.
healthy being free from sickness.
lamp a device that uses electricity, oil, or gas to produce light. A lamp usually stands on a desk, table, or floor.
mysterious not known and not able to be explained.
paddle an oar with a wide, flat blade and long handle. A paddle is used with both arms for moving a small boat through the water. A paddle is not attached to the boat.
printer a machine that makes printed copies from a computer.
prize a reward given to the person who wins something.
respect to give honor to someone; to put someone in a high position in your feelings.
rough not smooth.
sturdy strong or solid; hard to break.
trunk the main stem of a tree.
wheelchair a chair on wheels that is used by people who cannot walk from place to place.